Have a professional designation? Several organizations approve using Zen Cyber’s courses to obtain professional development credits for your designation. Before you start a course, let us know that you are using it for CE credits.
Our business user training is available on the CPA’s Professional Development portal. The title of the course is “Cyber Security Essentials and Implementation.”
More details can be found in the CPA Professional Development Portal.
Both the Home and Business user courses are approved by the ADA&C for Continuing Education credits. Before you start the course, let us know that you are using it for CE credits. We will issue you a letter with the information the ADA&C requires.
Both the Home and Business user courses are approved by the CRDHA for Continuing Education credits. Before you start the course, let us know that you are using it for CE credits. We will issue you a letter with the information the CRDHA requires.